Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day three...

Todays food:
7:00 - 3 egg omelette with spinach
11:00 - 12 almonds
1:30 - 1 chicken breast, curly kale, red/yellow/green bell pepper, lots of red onion, and a table spoon of olive oil
6:00 - 1 chicken breast with a little bit of broccoli
Supps: Multivitamin and 3 fish oil capsules.
Few problems surrounding dinner today. My mum told me microwave chow mein was for dinner and I said I didn't want it as it wasn't paleo, she agreed to do me some chicken with stir fried veggies but then filled it with loads of bean sprouts and some noodles which defeated the object. Any way I ate the chicken breast and picked out a few bits of broccoli which wasn't ideal. It hasn't caused me a problem today as i'm not really hungry but when I start training again this can't happen. 
Moral of the story: I may have to start taking full responsibility for my meals even though it will cost me a lot of money as I imagine I will have to do my own food shopping.
Anyway, no major problems again today. I was a little flat in the morning but I haven't been feeling hungry, generally felt good, and no late afternoon headaches today. I really want it to be the end of the week so I can weigh myself and see if my sacrifices are paying off.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Day two...

Todays food:
7:00 - 2 sausages with a handful of baby spinach
11:00 - 12 Almonds
1:30 - Chicken breast, loads of curly kale, red onion, yellow peppers, and a table spoon of olive oil.
6:00 - 3 sausages, brocoli, carrots, and green beans. 
Supps: Multi-vitamin and 2 fish oil capsules.
I had a little bit of instant gravy on top of dinner (mum offered and I was thinking) which I now regret, but I have learnt from it and so it doesn't seem like the end of the world as long as I don't repeat it.
I have felt surprisingly good again today and I haven't really felt hungry apart from when I woke up. I did get a little bit head achey etc. again in the late afternoon today and was a little flat when I got home. Dinner perked me back up and I feel fine now but I still have a slight head ache so i'm hoping this means my body is starting to get low on stored carbs and i'm moving towards being in ketosis.
Overall it's been a successful day, i've eaten a bit more fat and quite a variety of vegetables. I think I could stand to up my fats just a tad but I guess old habits die hard and i'm still a bit worried about over doing it. It's also hard to find ways to get it into my diet.

Monday 27 February 2012

Day one...

Today I ate:

7:00 - 3 egg omelette (plain)
1:00 - 1 chicken breast, baby spinach, 2 spring onions, and a little bit of red and green bell pepper
5:45 - Small steak on lettuce with some more red bell pepper and spring onion

I was pretty unprepared to start today so my foods were a bit limited.
I've actually felt really good today even though I thought I thought I hadn't eaten any where near enough. I had a few stomach rumbles before lunch and got a little bit head achey before tea but didn't get overly hungry at any point. I have tried to keep my water up but I have been really thirsty all day. 
However, on reflection I have come up with 2 goals for tomorrow:
1) more healthy fats. 
I'm going to get a big bag of almonds and have a handful as a snack between breakfast and lunch. I'm also going to get some olive oil to keep in my desk drawer at work. I'll mix some with balsamic vinegar to kill 2 birds with one stone - more healthy fats and it will make my salad a little more interesting and less dry. I also need to go and buy some new fish oil capsules tomorrow.
2) more vegetables.
I'm thinking some spinach and red onion at breakfast - either in my omelette or with sausage. Then replace the lettuce I had at Dinner with some broccoli/Asparagus/Kale etc. 
Any thoughts and tips appreciated.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Getting started...

I'm going to try the Paleo diet for the first 30 days. If it is working and I feel good eating this way I will stick with it. If not I figure it will at least break the cycle of any bad habits I may have. I won't be doing any training during week 1 whilst I adjust to my new diet. 

To help me track my progress I have taken some measurements and photos.

My stats at the start:

Weight - 212 lbs
Chest (around nipples) - 108cm
Waist (around belly button) - 107cm
Hips - 108cm
Right arm relaxed - 34cm
Thigh - 61cm

Here is me now:

Day 1 is tomorrow. I'm excited but also a little nervous because I know this first week is going to be really hard. I expect to feel horrible this week and not much better in week 2.

I've read that really focusing on how you want to look and feel, even if it is a long way off or near impossible to obtain is a great motivational tool. So here is my list:

  • I want to get really lean - 10% body fat is a number I have in my head.
  • Build big muscles - Square pecs, bulging arms, visible abs, oblique lines, and big legs.
  • Better cardio - I want to be able to get through my MMA classes relatively easily or just be able to go out for a run for a couple of miles.
  • Most importantly, I want to wake up every day feeling energised and feeling happy and confident through out the day.
I will be updating this blog regularly and tweeting every evening at least one achievement from the day, why it was a victory and how to progress to keep me motivated.

This weeks goals:

  1. Stick to the diet plan all week with no exceptions.
  2. Lose 2lbs

Wish me luck!